What is eSports?

Like many my age, I grew up playing video games, so it is natural for me to watch other people play video games competitively. But for those who have never heard the word eSports, it refers to the world of competitive, organized video gaming. Just like traditional sports, eSports is also focused on testing the ability of its players. Unlike most traditional sports, however, eSports also focuses on showcasing mental ability. And for its viewers, eSports also provides the same excitement as traditional sports. As an eSports enthusiast, I cried when I saw my team win the 2018 League of Legends World Championship. The emotion, excitement, and connection to the team are the reasons why eSports is becoming a global cultural phenomenon.

Let us begin with what makes eSports an international phenomenon. Who watches eSports? According to a report from Newzoo, as of 2018 there were 380 million people worldwide watching eSports. Reports also show that the 2017 League of Legends World Championship drew more than 80 million viewers. This audience size is one of the major reasons why eSports is becoming an international phenomenon.

Activision Blizzard holds first-ever Overwatch League Grand Finals in the Barclays Center, New York City

Another reason is support from major mainstream media companies. Unlike the old days when the only way to watch eSports events was through streaming services or on location, with the support of major media companies, now we can choose to watch eSports on mainstream television programs like ESPN and Disney XD. In 2017, ESPN and Disney XD announced they secured a multiyear deal to broadcast the Overwatch League. This announcement further shows that with the growth of eSports viewership, mainstream media companies are starting to accept eSports into popular culture by choosing to broadcast events.

traditional sports news medis now start broadcast eSports’ news

Last, we must look at the financial side of eSports. According to the Newzoo report, by 2019, eSports revenue is expected to surpass $1 billion, with brands investing $694 million in eSports ventures. This amount of money further shows that eSports is no longer a subculture; it has moved into popular culture and become an industry.

As this semester goes on, we will take a deeper look into the history and origin of eSports, the reasons why eSports has become an international phenomenon, and the different types of eSports.



Newzoo 2016, 2017 and 2018 Global eSports market report

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